Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What is an infographic? If you don't know, go look it up. Read about it and then in your own words tell me what an infographic is. What do infographics do? How do they work? What makes a really good infographic?

a infographic is a tool you can put information on do you can work on projects and other people can see your project . 


Monday, September 29, 2014

Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

Friday night i went to the game and then went home after the game and had a bonfire and sleep over with my friends, then Saturday i cleaned my house and then Saturday night i went to homecoming it was very fun. then Sunday i just hung out all day with my family    

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

imagine Mr. Bacon has asked you to suggest one way of improving Blue Valley High School to make it a better place for students. Think about the changes that are needed at your school. Pick one change you feel would really make a difference and explain what it is and why you'd make the change.

the things i would change is that make spots for all students that can drive so we don't have to park far away in a neighborhood and so when there is bad weather out side we don't have to get wet and be cold and wet all day in school.also our lunch is god but we need more of a variety of things. 


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What are your favorite apps on your phone or tablet? Why?

my favorite app on my iphone 5s is snapchat .its my fav because you can communicate with your friends by pictures and text and you can video chat too.


Monday, September 22, 2014

What is email? When do you use email in your own personal life? List reasons and ways that people use email. What do you know about "email etiquette"?

email is a way of communicating with people. the only time i ever use my email is for school when i have to use it, and i never use if in my personal life. i don't know anything about email except communicating with people.



Friday, September 19, 2014

Now that you've been in Emerging Technology for several weeks... what do you think? Do you think the web tools (Drive, Evernote, Bubbl, etc.) are helpful to you? Do you think they will be helpful throughout high school or even college? Explain.

i think emerging tech is very fun and very helpful right now and it will help me latter in like like in college and in job. i like Google drive and bubble us is the most helpful tool for me and i like the others too.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Do you enjoy writing? When do you enjoy it? What kind of writing do you enjoy? Why do you think the ability to write is so important no matter what kind of writing it is? Give an example that you enjoyed writing or hated writing. Why?

i do not enjoy writing. i do not enjoy it, i don't really like any type of writing but poetry is okay  for me. i also thing writing is important people should know how to write because you need to know how to contact people and know how to research. an example is writing was when i was in 6th  grade and we had to write a story, poem or a riddle every day and i hated it.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

if you don't prepare your self right you will fail. you have to prepare you self for a while just like a school final, you have to study and prepare your whole year to do good on the final. but if you don't do good on your test and don't do you homework then you will fail your tests and final.

Monday, September 15, 2014

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

this weekend I did not do that much but the things I did where  hanging out with friends and family and I had a sleepover with my friends and that's it. also i went to the bv game Friday night and hung out with friends there too.

Friday, September 12, 2014

What is the importance of research? Why do you need to know how to research? What have you learned in high school about researching topics and finding quality resources? Have you had a helpful teacher that has taught you to research? Explain.

the importance for research is that we can learn new things they we can study and so we know whats happening out in the world. we need to know how to researcher because if something happens we need to know how to know and find out what happened on the internet. i have learned how to make good projects and how to make quality slideshows in high school. i have had some helpful teachers that explain everything and to teach step by step how to do every thing and i have had some very bad teachers that don't help at all.    


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For my global issue in Emerging Technology I have chosen gun control. I have begun researching the issue and you can find my research questions here.
                                                                                                      image sited

image sited

the kids in the 1980 where on there phone to much and not wanting to go school stuff. also not wanting to go out side and do physical activity.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tell me about the global issue you selected. What do you already know about the issue? What are you looking forward to learning about it? Explain.

my global issue is gun control. i already know its a big deal and that lots of people like it and don't like it. one of the biggest problems are automatic weapons and lots of people do not want be made and because there so dangerous. but i don't like gun control and want it to be outlawed. https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=985&q=guns&oq=guns&gs_l=img.12...

Monday, September 8, 2014

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

On Friday I went to the varsity football game I have lots of fun there with my friends.
on Saturday i went to a farm and for a couple of hours then went to the JV football game. then on Sunday I stayed  home and worked on our tree house. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

hunting A
social skills A
making lots of money A
being a good friend A
getting a job A

playing on my phone F
staying awake in history F
procrastinating F

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

september 3 2014

Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?

what have i learned in class? i have learned how to use blogger and and Google drive. ive learned how to make cool slides on Google slides and how to use blogger dash board and how yo make blogs to send to my friends. also at the end of the semester i will be able to send really cool blogs and presentations o people and to share to the class.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

I went to the lake of the Ozarks over labor day weekend. I went fishing I caught five catfish 8 perch and four bluegill and went boating and went on a wave runner the be bought on Sunday.
